Best Time to Escape Puzzle || Interview Puzzles

Once there was a king. The king wanted to protect his kingdom from the outside world. So he made a rule that neither any citizen of the kingdom can go to the outer world nor anyone from outside can enter his kingdom. There was a common bridge between the kingdom and the outside world. The guard was assigned on the gates of the kingdom which were linked to the bridge. If anyone tried to go out of the kingdom, he/she will be killed. And if anyone tried to come inside the kingdom, the guards would be sent him/her back. It takes 8 minutes to cross the bridge.

The guard was allowed to take a 5 minutes break. One woman was able to cross the bridge and move to the outside world. How did she do that?


As per the puzzle, there is only one common bridge through which anyone can enter the kingdom or leave the kingdom.
The total time taken to the cross-bridge is 8 minutes, and guards are assigned to the bridge to monitor. There is no way to cross the bridge without the guard's notice since the total time required to cross the bridge is 8 mins but the guard was allowed to take a maximum of 5 minutes break.
Time when the guard was at rest if the woman starts to walk toward the outer world. She will be caught after 5 minutes and will be killed. This is because as per the king's order If anyone tried to go out of the kingdom, he/she will be killed. And if anyone tried to come inside the kingdom, the guards would be sent him/her back.
The solution to this puzzle requires out-of-the-box thinking.
This is how women could be able to cross the bridge from the kingdom!

Time when the guard was at rest, the woman will start to walk toward the outer world. She will walk for 5 minutes and then will turn back towards the kingdom. Since she had no document with her, she was not allowed to come inside the kingdom. Now guards think that the woman is trying to enter the kingdom, Therefore the guard sent her outside the kingdom. Hence she was able to leave the kingdom.

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